Pick of the week: The flying Scotsman
A chance for you to catch up on our five most-read stories of the week.
Five: The rise of the SNP is based on emotion, not reason
In fifth place is a piece from the SNP conference in Aberdeen, last week. It suggested that the fluidity of the party's ideology has allowed them to remain in a state of opposition both to the Conservative government and to the Labour party nationally, while at the same time seeking credit as a governing party in Scotland. Does the party's recent success have more to do with nationalism than it does with SNP policies?
Four: Milne appointment shows Corbyn has no interest reaching past his core support
Next is an article which looked at Jeremy Corbyn's appointment of Seumas Milne as his executive director of strategy and communications. It suggested that hiring someone known for being hard-left will do little to attract undecided or Tory voters to Labour.
Three: As police turn away from cannabis, MPs invent even more drug laws
In third place is a piece which looked at reports that police were directing their resources on more important matters than chasing cannabis users. It noted how this was in stark contrast to the action and rhetoric of senior politicians who are currently attempting to bring in new drug laws via the psychoactive substances bill.
Two: The minister in charge of the legal highs bill doesn’t understand his own legislation
And continuing on the subject of the psychoactive substances bill, is an article which looked at the Commons debate on the bill earlier this week. There appeared to be a lot of confusion over what the bill would make illegal and who would be vulnerable to prosecution. In fact, this piece suggested most of the confusion actually came from the minister in charge of the bill.
One: SNP MPs 'need to be on their planes back' to Scotland
And in the top spot this week is our report that the Tory MP Heather Wheeler said the SNP 'need to be on their planes back' to Scotland, as MPs prepared to vote on restricting the rights of non-English MPs.