Child leukaemia ‘not linked to power lines’

Research, published today, by the Childhood Cancer Research Group at the University of Oxford, provides strong evidence that there is no increased risk of leukaemia for those living near power lines, says the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET).

Professor Tony Barker, chairman of the IET Policy Advisory Group which has monitored the literature on the biological effects of electromagnetic fields for over 20 years, said: “This is an important new study which shows a clear decrease with time of the incidence of childhood leukaemia near power lines.

“As the magnetic fields from the lines have actually increased over this period, due to increased electricity consumption, it provides strong support for them not being the cause of the raised leukaemia incidence seen previously.

“This is consistent with the IET Policy Group's view over many years that the balance of scientific evidence did not point to the magnetic fields from these lines being the cause of increased risk of leukaemia.

“This study suggests a different possible explanation, the population differences near the lines, which may have changed with time and should be explored.”


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