Harris, Carolyn

Carolyn Harris was elected Labour MP for Swansea East in 2015, being reelected in 2019 with a majority of 7,970.

The Swansea East constituency is the more deprived of the two Swansea seats and includes Swansea docks, and the area of Swansea around Castle, Landore,  Morriston,  Penderry, and St John’s.   This is one of Labour’s longest standing seats in the UK, having been held by the party continuously since 1922.

Harris became Deputy Leader of Welsh Labour in 2018, and served as the Shadow Minister of Safeguarding and Vulnerability under Jeremy Corbyn between 2016 and 2020.

Born in 1960, Carolyn Harris studied at Swansea University.  She previously worked in the charity sector, as a regional manager for a children’s charity, and as an assistant to the previous MP for Swansea East, Sian James, before being elected to Westminster herself.

Carolyn Harris is Vice President of the Chartered Trading Standards Institute, and at Westminster she has led campaigns against unsafe electrical goods.  She has also been involved in successful campaigns to limit the stake to £2 on fixed odd betting terminals and to establish a children’s funeral fund.

Harris is Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Online and Home Electrical Safety; Women’s Health; Beauty, Aesthetics, and Wellbeing; and Gambling Related Harm. She is Vice Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Groups on Recovery from Addictions; Women in Enterprise; Acquired Brain Injury; Commercial Sexual Exploitation;

Email: carolyn.harris.mp@parliament.uk

Personal Website – https://www.carolynharris.org.uk/

Twitter: @carolynharris24