Davies, David

David Davies was elected as the Conservative MP for Monmouth in 2005, being reelected in 2019 with a majority of 9,982.

The Monmouth constituency is found in the county of Gwent in the south eastern corner of Wales bordering England.   Found on the Wales side of the Severn Bridge, this is a largely rural seat which includes the towns of Abergavenny, Monmouth, and Chepstow known for its horse racing track.  One of the most affluent seats in Wales, Monmouth is a Conservative leaning area.  It does however fall to Labour in its better years, and was held by Labour between 1997 and 2005, and between 1966 and 1970.

A former Chairman of the Welsh Affairs Select Committee in the Commons for nearly a decade, Davies was appointed a Minister in the Welsh Office by Boris Johnson in late 2019.

Born in 1970, Davies worked for British Steel after leaving school, before joining the army and serving for 18 months as a Gunner with 104 Air Defence Regiment at Raglan Barracks Newport.

He then lived in Australia where he had a variety of jobs including that of a nightclub promoter, tobacco picker and ‘rickshaw driver’. Upon returning to the UK, he worked as a continental lorry driver before managing the family haulage business.

Davies was a fervent anti-devolutionist, who first started his battle against devolution in 1999, when he helped to set up and run the anti-Welsh Assembly campaign.   He represented Monmouth in the Welsh Assembly between 1999 and 2007.

David later learnt Welsh from scratch when elected to the National Assembly of Wales, and was later awarded the accolade of Welsh Speaker of the Year.

Davies has served as a Special Constable for the British Transport Police for nearly a decade.

He is a former President of the Welsh Amateur Boxing Association, and has fought in a number of charity Boxing matches under the name ‘The Tory Tornado’.

Davies was a supporter of Brexit in the 2016 EU Referendum.   On the right of the Conservative Party, he backed Dominic Raab and then Boris Johnson in the 2019 Conservative Party leadership election.

He is married with three children.  He employs his wife as a part time office manager.

Email: david.davies.mp@parliament.uk

Personal Website: http://www.david-davies.org.uk/

Twitter: @davidtcdavies

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/davidtcdavies