Brown, Alan

Alan Brown was first elected as the SNP MP for Kilmarnock & Loudoun in 2015, being re-elected in 2019 with a majority of 12,659.

The constituency of Kilmarnock & Loudoun is found in the west of Scotland and contains the industrial town of Kilmarnock and a rural area in Ayrshire.  Previously a Labour stronghold, this seat has been held with quite some comfort by the SNP since 2015.

Alan Brown has served as the SNP’s transport spokesperson at Westminster.

Born in 1970, Brown grew up in Kilmarnock.  He attended Glasgow University where he graduated with an Honours Degree in Civil Engineering.

Prior to his election, he worked as a civil engineer, and he now serves as co-Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Infrastructure. He is Vice Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Renewable and Sustainable Energy Group

Brown was an a SNP councillor on East Ayrshire Council between 2007 and 2015.

Brown’s strong Scottish accent has famously posed a problem in the past for the House of Commons Hansard reporters who are charged with typing up the contents of MP’s speeches in the House of Commons.


Personal Website:

Twitter: @AlanBrownSNP

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