Cowan, Ronnie

Ronnie Cowan was first elected as the SNP MP for Inverclyde in 2015, being reelected in 2019 with a majority of 7,512.

The constituency of Inverclyde is located in Scotland’s central belt to the west of Glasgow.  It contains the towns of Greenock, Inverkip, Port Glasgow, Gourock, and Wemyss Bay.   A former ship building area on the banks of the Clyde, this was solid Labour territory until the SNP won the seat in 2015.  The SNP narrowly held on in 2017 with a majority of 384 votes, before winning far more comfortably in 2019.

Born in 1959, Ronnie Cowan was born in Morton, and he is the son of Scotland football goalkeeper Jimmy Cowan.  After leaving school  he worked as a trainee computer operator at Playtex in Port Glasgow, before later running his own IT Services business.

Cowan has been a member of the SNP since he was teenager and founded the ‘Yes Inverclyde’ independence campaign.

At Westminster, Ronnie Cowan is Vice Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Groups on Catalonia; Drug Policy Reform; Gambling Related Harm; and Medical Cannabis Under Prescription.

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