Morris, Grahame

Grahame Morris was first elected as the Labour MP for Easington in 2010, being reelected in 2019 with a majority of 6,581.

The Easington constituency is found in the north East of Durham spreading inland from the stretch of coast that lies between Hartlepool and Sunderland.    A former mining area, both of coal and iron ore, this constituency includes the small towns of Seaham and Peterlee.  This is one of the longest standing Labour seats in England and has been held by Labour ever since the Second World War.

Born in 1961, Morris studied medical laboratory sciences at Newcastle Polytechnic.  Having spent his early career in the NHS, Grahame Morris then worked for John Cummings MP.  He was elected to Easington Council between 1987 and 2002.

Considered on the left of the Labour Party, Morris nominated Jeremy Corbyn for the party leadership in 2015, and served briefly in the Shadow Cabinet as Shadow Communities Secretary in 2016.  He nominated Rebecca Long Bailey in the 2020 Labour Party leadership election.

Grahame Morris is Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Groups on Transport Across the North; and Human Relevant Science. He is Vice Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Groups on Scottish Sport; Cuba; Cancer; Greyhounds; Housing in the North; and Radiotherapy.

Morris is Chair of the Labour Friends of Palestine. He is married with two sons and lives in Dawdon in Seaham.  He employ his wife as a part time Senior Secretary. He supports Sunderland Football Club.


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Twitter: @grahamemorris

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