Blomfield, Paul

Paul Blomfield was first elected as the Labour MP for Sheffield Central in 2010, being reelected in 2019 with a majority of 27,273.

The constituency of Sheffield Central contains the heart of the city of Sheffield, alongside both Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam universities, themselves two of the UK’s largest campuses.  Accordingly this is the youngest seat in the UK, with a median age which is said to be just 26, compared to the national average of nearly 40.  Two fifths of the electorate are said to be students.

Over two thirds of the electorate backed Remain in the 2016 EU referendum and although the Green Party has polled well here in the past, this is a safe Labour seat.

Blomfield was appointed Shadow Minister for Brexit in 2020, having served under Keir Starmer as Shadow Minister for Exiting the European Union between 2016 and 2020.

Born in 1953, Blomfield studied Theology at St.John’s College in York, and qualified as a teacher.  He later went on to worked at the University of Sheffield, and was the General Manager of the Students’ Union.

Blomfeld joined the Labour Party in 1978, and was once Chair of Sheffield Labour Party. He was a Unison Branch Secretary for several years, and is a member of Unite the Union.

Blomfield supported Owen Smith in his 2016 leadership challenge to Jeremy Corbyn. He backed Keir Starmer in the 2020 leadership contest.

Blomfield is married to Linda McAvan, who was a Labour Member of the European Parliament for Yorkshire and the Humber prior to 2019. He has one son. He recovered from a brain tumour in 2011.

Paul Blomfield is Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on International Students; and Students. He is Vice Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Universities; Kashmir; Choice at the End of Life; and Debt and Personal Finance.  He is Treasurer of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Electoral Reform.


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Twitter: @PaulBloomfiledMP

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