Moore, Damien

Damien Moore is the Conservative MP for Southport, having first been elected to Parliament in 2017, and re-elected in 2019 with a majority of 4,147.

The constituency of Southport is found to the north of Merseyside, and is the only part of the region which normally eludes the grasp of the Labour Party.  A traditional Liberal Democrat and Conservative marginal that has frequently swapped between the parties, the constituency is based around the relative affluent coastal town of  Southport and is home to a number of Liverpool bound commuters.

Moore was appointed as the Prime Minister’s Trade Envoy for Tunisia and Libya in 2020.

Born in 1980, Damien Moore was educated at the University of Central Lancashire. Prior to being elected to parliament, Damien worked in the retail sector, including as a retail manager for Asda.

In 2012 he was elected to Preston City Council where he became Deputy Group Leader and Conservative finance spokesperson.

Moore supported Boris Johnson in the 2019 Conservative Party leadership election.

He is one of Parliament’s 45 openly gay MPs, and strong supporter of the governments levelling up agenda in relation to the north of England.

Damien Moore is the Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Groups on Belgium, Luxembourg, Tunisia He is Vice Chair of the Groups on Veterans, Agroecology for Sustainable Food and Farming, Retail Crime.



Twitter – @Moore4Southport