About Politics.co.uk

Politics.co.uk has been online for more than 15 years, and in that time we have always sought to be different.

We started out as a pure political news site, evolving through the emergence of social media into more opinion-based content.

In our latest incarnation we continue this tradition of seeking to provide something different for our readers.

We want Politics.co.uk to become the leading free-to-access digital magazine for UK politics.

Through our content, we want to provide a home for all who are interested in politics or who work in politics. 

We have always been politically impartial and with no editorial agenda – although with purely opinion-based content this may not have always been immediately apparent.

Political impartiality and independence will continue to be a key facet of our approach moving forward.

We will bring you news  – but not the same old news that everyone else is chasing. We will bring you stories and snapshots from UK politics not covered elsewhere.

We will provide insight – taking an in-depth look at different political issues and presenting them in a range of multimedia and interactive formats.

We will provide engagement – looking at some of the lighter, more niche topics and discussions taking place in the political sphere, and finding new and novel ways to present them to you.

What you can expect from us going forward is:

  • more content than ever before
  • in a greater range of formats – articles, videos, motion graphics and more …
  • some familiar faces 
  • and plenty of new ones.

We won’t be hiding our content behind registration or paywalls. We are an advert funded publication, so please bear this in mind if you enjoy our content but make use of  ad-blockers.

If you wish to find out about the commercial opportunities available through our website, then click here to find out more.

We hope you enjoy our website. If you have any feedback, please email feedback@politics.co.uk.

The Politics.co.uk Team 


Parliamentary footage

The following statement applies to any footage of Parliament on Politics.coo.uk:

Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Open Parliament Licence v3.0.