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Jenkin promises to defend British traditions
Jenkin accuses Labour of being “anti-British”

The Shadow Minister for the Regions, Bernard Jenkin, has launched a stinging attack on Labour’s programme of constitutional reform, accusing the Government of mocking and rubbishing Britain’s history. In his address to the Conservative Party conference Mr Jenkin said: “The paradox is that this British Government, is profoundly anti-British. “This Government understands nothing of the… Read more »

Detention laws under the spotlight
Attorney General defends terror detention laws

The Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith, has defended the UK’s decision to opt out of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) in order to detain individuals without charge. The provision to detain foreign nationals indefinitely without trial was included in the 2001 Anti Terrorism Act. The legislation required the UK to opt out of Section… Read more »