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New rules to ease tracing of adopted children
New rules to ease tracing of adopted children

New plans unveiled today by the Government will help thousands of birth parents who gave their children up for adoption in the past to find them. Under the scheme, a network of Adoption Support Agencies (ASA) will be set up to act as intermediaries between parents and children from September 2005. More controversially, birth parents… Read more »

The GSM-R system will not be deployed until 2013, but the existing CSR system's frequency is due for reallocation in 2006.
Train safety system delayed until 2013

Rail infrastructure operator Network Rail is planning to delay the introduction of a key train safety system for the second time in three months, a leading technology magazine has claimed today. “Computing” magazine reports that the roll-out of the GSM-R communications system is to be put back from 2010 to 2013, despite having been put… Read more »