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Barclay brothers expand press empire
Barclay brothers expand press empire

The billionaire Barclay Brothers have bought Hollinger, the firm which controls about three-quarters of the voting stock of Hollinger International. Sir David and Sir Frederick Barclay – who own the Ritz Hotel and The Scotsman newspaper – said they will pay £230 million for the holding firm. Press Holdings International, the newspaper publisher owned by… Read more »

Darling to go for radical rail review
Darling to go for radical rail review

Transport Secretary Alistair Darling may announce a major review of Britain’s railways in a statement to the Commons on Monday, with the work of the rail regulator, the Strategic Rail Authority (SRA), likely to be seriously overhauled. Although the government will undoubtedly balk at re-nationalising the part-privatised sector, it is aware that managers at Network… Read more »