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3G poses child porn dilemma
3G poses child porn dilemma

The Government is being urged to act swiftly to prevent the dissemination of child pornography on third generation mobile phones. According to the National Children’s Home charity, 3G mobile phone technology opens the way for paedophiles to view child porn on pay-as-you-go devices without detection. Labour MP Debra Shipley said 3G firms such as 3… Read more »

Communists propose new “European Left”

Eleven left-leaning EU political parties are to collaborate in forming a pan-national party known as the “European Left”. Lothar Bisky, head of the German leftist Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS), concluding a two-day conference in Berlin said groups would work to improve social welfare and fight against militarism, gender inequality and ecological devastation. Fausto Bertinotti,… Read more »