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EU and US at loggerheads over Iran's nuke threat
EU and US at loggerheads over Iran’s nuke threat

Europe and the US were at loggerheads last night after a disagreement broke out on how best to deal with Iran’s apparent nuclear threat. The United Nations’ nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), meets on Thursday in Vienna to discuss whether sanctions are necessary to force Tehran to comply with the nuclear Non-Proliferation… Read more »

Working class students assume higher levels of debt
Working class students assume higher levels of debt

Working class university students have some of the highest debts among their peers at the time of graduation, according to government research. The DfES survey, undertaken by South Bank University academics and the Policy Studies Institute, found that some of the poorest students leave university with average debts of over £10,000, despite budgeting and taking… Read more »