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Ex-para grilled over Bloody Sunday
Ex-para grilled over Bloody Sunday

An ex-paratrooper yesterday was warned he could face criminal charges for the murder of four people during the civil rights march massacre – known as Bloody Sunday – in Northern Ireland over thirty years ago. Lord Saville’s inquiry, currently held at Central Hall in Westminster, is investigating the killing of 13 civilians by British troops… Read more »

UK's "worst town" league table to be published
UK’s “worst town” league table to be published

Britain’s ‘worst 50’ towns and cities have been pinpointed in a new book. The book, entitled “Crap Towns: The 50 Worst Places to Live in the UK,” due to be published on Saturday, grew out of an online survey organised by Idler magazine. Local residents were invited to nominate their own towns for the worst… Read more »