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China dominates weapons import market
China dominates weapons import market

China is the developing world’s largest importer of military weapons, according to a new report. The US Congressional Research report found China imported $3.6bn of conventional arms in 2002. And between 1995-2002, the permanent Security Council member took orders totalling $17.8bn. The US, for its part, continues to dominate the export side of the equation,… Read more »

Trimble demands decisive action on decommissioning.
Trimble demands decisive action on decommissioning.

Ulster Unionist leader David Trimble has reiterated his call to Sinn Fein counterpart Gerry Adams to provide clear and verifiable evidence that the Irish Republican Army has put its weapons permanently beyond use. Mr Trimble said verifiable decommissioning was the only way to restart the stalled Northern Irish peace process. He has met Mr Adams… Read more »