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PM's aide urged last minute rethink on September dossier
PM’s aide urged last minute rethink on September dossier

Lord Hutton’s judicial inquiry established yesterday that elements of the September dossier were omitted to bolster the case for war against Saddam Hussein’s regime. In Court 73, John Scarlett, the head of the Joint Intelligence Committee JIC, before Hutton for a second time, admitted that a clause stating the fallen Iraqi dictator would only use… Read more »

Blunkett embraces effective, multiracial policing
Blunkett embraces effective, multiracial policing

Home Secretary David Blunket yesterday called on the National Black Police Association to continue to fight against racism within the police force. Addressing the Association’s annual conference in Cardiff, he said: “To get the best, whatever their background, the service has to be attractive to the best.” Mr Blunkett highlighted the sizeable increase in the… Read more »