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Mourners flock to streets for Hakim's burial
Mourners flock to streets for Hakim’s burial

Hundreds of thousands of mourners gathered yesterday in the holy city of Najaf, Iraq, to pay their final respects to Ayatollah Muhammad Bakr al-Hakim, the leader of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution, the political movement collaborating with allied forces to rebuild war-torn, post-Saddam Iraq. A 1550 pound car bomb killed Mr Hakim and… Read more »

Teachers drinking more, says survey
Teachers drinking more, says survey

New figures show that increasing numbers of teachers are turning to drink in order to help them cope with the stresses of the classroom. In a survey sent out to 2000 teachers in North Wales, 10% of the 600 respondents stated that they were taking anti- depressants, and 30% said that they had noted an… Read more »