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Charities doubt patients will get more of a voice in reformed NHS
NHS bill accountability attacked

By staff Health charities have united to criticise the health and social care bill, which they say denies patients a voice. Organisations including the British Health Foundation, the Alzheimer’s Society and the Stroke Association used a letter to the Times to criticise the coalition’s health reforms. The eight charities said “a gap between rhetoric… Read more »

The memorial in Lockerbie, Scotland. Many of the 270 victims were American
Senators demand Lockerbie inquiry

By staff US politicians have reacted with scorn following a report into London’s involvement in the release of Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi. A group of senators have called for a full independent inquiry into links between a £500 million oil deal, pressure from the Libyan government and the Scottish government’s decision to release Megrahi… Read more »