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David Cameron to claim public services reform is one of his passions
PM prioritises public service reform

By Alex Stevenson David Cameron has pledged his personal and political commitment to reforming the public services. Setting the agenda in a week likely to be dominated by new legislation reforming the NHS, the prime minister made the case for avoiding delay across the country’s public services. “Every year we delay, every year without improving… Read more »

*Comment & Analysis
Immigration is the issue that just won't go away
Comment: Immigration is the issue that just won’t go away

It continues to haunt British politics, but the politicians won’t address immigration. They’re just too moderate to reflect the views of Britain’s bigots. By Alex Stevenson It’s a harsh word, isn’t it? So harsh it cost Gordon Brown the general election. When he used it, referring to Gillian Duffy’s perfectly reasonable concerns about the impact… Read more »