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Eight police forces will trial new ways of logging antisocial behaviour complaints
Police shake up antisocial behaviour approach

By staff A pilot scheme shaking up how police deal with antisocial behaviour complaints has been unveiled by the Home Office. Chief constables will be exploring how to improve the way officers handle concerns on a ‘bottom-up’ basis, according to ministers. But they have been instructed to follow five ‘key principles’ including installing off-the-shelf… Read more »

VAT increases to 20% from January 4th
VAT ‘bombshell’ warning boosts Oldham campaign

By Alex Stevenson Ed Miliband has used the VAT hike to flag up the contradictions of the coalition in a visit to the Oldham East and Saddleworth campaign. The Labour leader said the increase in VAT from 17.5% to 20%, which takes effect from midnight tonight, showed the coalition’s approach to deficit reduction was “the… Read more »