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Gordon Brown's 'bigot' quote cost him the election
Top 25 political quotes of 2010

Here’s a selection of the best soundbites of the last 12 months, summing up the biggest moments of what has been a dramatic and unpredictable year. By Alex Stevenson Snowplot January 8th: Geoff Hoon admitted that his attempt to oust Gordon Brown was “over”, but remained unrepentant about his message after Labour backbenchers failed to… Read more »

The Queen emphasised the value of sport in her Christmas message
Queen gives sporting Xmas message

By staff The Queen’s Christmas message focused on the positive impact participation in sport can have on developing social skills. This year’s traditional broadcast to Britain and the wider Commonwealth saw the monarchy’s own enthusiasm for sport highlighted, from Prince William and Prince Harry’s interest in polo to Zara Phillips’ eventing. Sport’s effectiveness as… Read more »