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The process that went into procuring two new aircraft carriers at a cost of £5bn has been heavily criticised
MPs lament ‘astonishing’ £36bn defence overspend

By staff Errors of financial management at the Ministry of Defence (MoD) have survived the strategic defence and security review (SDSR), MPs have admitted. The influential public accounts committee’s report released today highlights how spending decisions at the MoD have been lacking “the robust financial management necessary to control its resources effectively in the… Read more »

Nick Clegg, who represents Sheffield Hallam, has come under sustained fire for the loan cancellation
Forgemasters loan ‘could have been funded’

By staff The government’s arguments justifying its controversial decision to cancel an £80 million to Sheffield Forgemasters have been questioned by MPs. The business innovation and skills (Bis) committee released its report on the cancellation today. It implies the coalition’s accusation that former business secretary Peter Mandelson made a commitment to honour the loan… Read more »