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Lady Thatcher has reportedly recovered well from a bout of flu
Thatcher set to leave hospital

By staff Margaret Thatcher will leave hospital today, two weeks after being admitted with flu symptoms. The former prime minister fell ill shortly before her 85th birthday, so that she was unable to attend a party organised in her honour at No 10. She was later admitted to hospital on October 19th, though her… Read more »

Campaigners hope their legal challenge will herald the end for the ban on gay marriage
Lesbians go for first gay marriage

By staff Campaigners are set to launch their concerted legal bid to push through a change in the law preventing gay marriage. Reverend Sharon Ferguson and Franka Strietzel will apply tomorrow for a civil marriage licence at Greenwich registry office, beginning the first steps of the ‘Equal Love’ campaign. If, as the campaigners expect,… Read more »