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*Comment & Analysis
Cameron takes on Miliband to win CBI support
Analysis: Optimism and pessimism at the CBI

The political climate is not well-suited for either David Cameron or Ed Miliband to win over British businesses. Yet one’s willingness to lay out and defend his economic plans may have trumped the warnings of the other. By Alex Stevenson This was never going to be good timing for the government. Just one week has… Read more »

Cable: 'How did short termism work out for you?'
Cable: Business needs me to bash the banks

By Ian Dunt Business needs a tough government minister willing to ‘bash the banks’, Vince Cable has said. The business secretary told the Confederation of British Industry’s (CBI) annual conference that his robust rhetoric against capitalism and the banking sector is designed to save the free market from itself. “We are still cleaning up after… Read more »