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The new aircraft carriers will reportedly be built, but at a cost to the rest of the defence budget
Aircraft carriers ‘will be spared’ in defence review

By Peter Wozniak The decision has been finalised to save the building programme for two new aircraft carriers, according to a report. The National Security Council (NSC) has met for the final time before the release of the Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR) next week, indicating that the major decisions have now been completed…. Read more »

Half a million of the projected job losses are set to come from the private sector
Cuts knock-on could cause ‘1 million job losses’

By Peter Wozniak Nearly one million jobs may be lost as a result of the government’s austerity drive, a report by PwC has warned. More concerning for the government is the prediction that fully half these job losses will occur in private sector firms which rely on government contracts. The PwC report added a note… Read more »