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The Lib Dem MP took a female constituent to dinner, but denies any improper activity
Lib Dem MP rejects seduction allegations

By staff A Liberal Democrat MP accused of seducing a female constituent has flatly denied any improper involvement. It was alleged in the Sunday Times that Mike Hancock, MP for Portsmouth South, who is married, had exploited the vulnerability of a 36-year old woman, known to have mental health problems. A spokesman for Mr… Read more »

Child vetting scheme needs major changes, Civitas argues
‘New approach needed’ on child vetting

By staff Ministers should scrap the vetting and barring scheme used to protect children from paedophiles because it increases, not diminishes, the risk, the Civitas thinktank has argued. Its updated report, Licensed To Hug, calls on the coalition government to abandon the current vetting procedure altogether. It argues that by forcing all adults who… Read more »