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Andy Burnham on his northern roots, New Labour's legacy and his Cambridge 'rude awakening'.
Interview: Andy Burnham

Andy Burnham talks to about his northern roots, New Labour’s legacy and his Cambridge ‘rude awakening’. By Alex Stevenson It doesn’t take long for Andy Burnham to take politics back to his roots. “Whenever I heard Tories talking about Broken Britain for me it really rankled because broken Britain was the north-west in which… Read more »

People should start preparing themselves for more extreme weather events, warns the government
Govt warning: Prepare yourself for the effects of climate change

by Peter Wozniak People need to begin preparing for the effects of climate change now, the environment secretary has warned. A report by the adaptation sub-committee argued that the effects of climate change are already visible in the UK, and will grow in scale and severity over time. The report concluded that the government needed… Read more »