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The winner will be announced just before the Labour conference
Voting underway for Labour leader

by Peter Wozniak Postal ballots have begun arriving at the addresses of Labour party members and trade unionists, as the candidates for leader continue a last minute rush for votes. David and Ed Miliband, Ed Balls, Andy Burnham and Diane Abbott have all been campaigning to succeed Gordon Brown, who stepped down after the general… Read more »

The cover of Tony Blair's memoir, 'A Journey'.
Old wounds reopened: Blair publishes his memoirs

By Ian Dunt Old wounds over Iraq, the Blair/Brown feud and the deficit were reopened today with the publication of Tony Blair’s memoirs. The former prime minister revealed that the power struggle between himself and then-chancellor Gordon Brown was worse than anyone had really understood at the time. Mr Brown lacked political instincts and was… Read more »