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'Leaving your party is the most honourable course when your party leadership leaves you.'
Analysis: Unpicking Ed Miliband’s invitation to Lib Dems

Ed Miliband has published a letter to disaffected Liberal Democrats, calling on them to join Labour. dissects it. By Ian Dunt Ed Miliband has a niche in the market: his ability to drive a wedge between the Liberal Democrats and their coalition partners. He thinks his politics are perfect for our time. Diane Abbott… Read more »

David Kelly, whose death triggered the Hutton Inquiry
Govt seeks to ‘draw a line’ under Kelly affair

by Peter wozniak Ministers are considering publishing details surrounding the pathologist’s report on the death of the weapons inspector Dr David Kelly in July 2003, according to media reports. The move would mean no inquest into the death would be required, sparing his widow further anguish. Over the weekend, Nicholas Hunt, the Home Office pathologist… Read more »