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Britain is in danger is falling into a double-dip recession, many economists believe
Dark clouds? Britain’s economic recovery under threat

By staff Confidence about Britain’s economic recovery has been dented, with the Bank of England lowering its growth forecast and raising expectations of inflation. The Bank’s growth forecast for 2011 was revised downwards from around 3.4% to around 2.5%, while it blamed the VAT hike to 20% for increased expectations for inflation. King lowers… Read more »

Police's anti-terror ad banned
Ban for anti-terror ad

By staff An anti-terror advert which suggested people who kept their curtains drawn could reasonably be suspected as terrorists has been banned. The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) said the radio advert from the Association of Chief Police Officers, broadcast on Talksport, was capable of causing “serious offence”. The brief advert outlined the behaviour of… Read more »