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*Comment & Analysis
Ideology is driving the cuts agenda
Comment: Ideology is driving the cuts agenda

George Osborne is sacrificing growth now for the prize of a low-tax economy. By Samuel Dale The chancellor of the exchequer has condemned Britain to a low-growth economy because, not in spite of, ideology and his long-term aim of a smaller state. The Conservative party and ‘Orange Book’ Liberals are seizing this golden opportunity to… Read more »

*Comment & Analysis
Review: The Third Man by Peter Mandelson

On the morning after the 1997 general election, the culmination of a decade’s work from the original spin doctor, Peter Mandelson was feeling strangely flat. “I felt overwhelmed… a bit at sea,” he admits in his memoir, The Third Man. He did not fit in with the new Downing Street crowd and so surveyed his… Read more »