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General David Richards will take over as chief defence staff in October
Army chief promoted to top military post

By staff General Sir David Richards will take over from Air Chief Marshal Sir Jock Stirrup as the most senior military officer in Britain this October, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has confirmed. The current head of the Army’s promotion will follow the completion of the strategic defence review, which defence secretary Liam Fox… Read more »

*Comment & Analysis
Bercow's baleful influence extending too far, too far
PMQs sketch: Far too well-behaved

This week’s prime minister’s questions was well-behaved, orderly and utterly dull. There is a grave danger MPs are finally getting the message. By Alex Stevenson A year on from the expenses scandal its fallout continues to haunt the Palace of Westminster. Worst of all, a Speaker has been elected who constantly tells MPs their barracking… Read more »