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Sun setting on British involvement in Sangin
British forces to make Sangin withdrawal

By staff British forces are to withdraw from the Sangin area of Afghanistan, defence secretary Liam Fox has told the Commons. The British-controlled area of the country, where fighting with the Taliban has seen 99 deaths since 2001, is dominated by heavy opium production and complex rivalries between different tribes. For much of the… Read more »

Quarter of 16-18-year-olds could be 'Neets'
One in four teens ‘drifting’

By staff Many more young people aged 16 to 18 are not in education, employment of training than previously thought, the Audit Commission has claimed. Its report on ‘Neets’ suggests one in four could be in this situation, dramatically more than the ten per cent average estimated by the government’s annual ‘snapshot’ survey during… Read more »