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Businesses are concerned at the limitations of the immigration cap
Cabinet wavers over immigration cap as business concerns raised

By staff Senior members of the Cabinet are increasingly nervous about the impact of the Conservatives’ proposed immigration cap on the British recovery, according to media reports. According to some sources, Michael Gove, education secretary, David Willets, university minister, and Oliver Letwin have all raised concerns about the policy, which was a key part… Read more »

A new born baby. Researchers found foetuses do not feel pain before 24-weeks due to the unique state in the womb.
Abortion report: No pain at 24-weeks

By staff Foetuses cannot feel pain in the womb before 24 weeks a report has found, strengthening the hand of those who wish to keep abortion laws as they stand. The review, conducted by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, was sparked by demands from MPs on the science and technology committee during… Read more »