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Gulf of Mexico oil spill is still not completely halted
UK politicians rally behind BP

By Alex Stevenson Energy secretary Chris Huhne and his Labour shadow Ed Miliband jumped to back BP yesterday in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon environmental disaster. It is thought that 40,000 barrels of oil per day have gushed into the Gulf of Mexico since the rig exploded on April 20th, killing 11 workers. BP… Read more »

Children need protecting - but the coalition thinks Labour's measures went too far
‘Draconian’ child abuse vetting plans halted

By staff Home secretary Theresa May has halted plans to introduce a vetting scheme for adults who come into contact with children. The Labour government’s original proposal would have seen all those who are regularly given responsibility for children required to undergo a crime check. Those who read to children at school, drive them… Read more »