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Nick Clegg visits a playgroup during the 2010 election campaign
Review to reassess need for toddler targets

By staff A review expected to roll back New Labour’s educational targets for children under five has been launched. Children’s minister Sarah Teather announced Action for Children chief executive Dame Clare Tickell had been asked to conduct a review of the early years foundation stage (EYFS). The coalition government views the existing framework as… Read more »

*Comment & Analysis
Clegg: Facing the anger
Sketch: Anger at Clegg boils over

MPs allowed their evident irritation at Nick Clegg’s new status to overwhelm them. The deputy prime minister handled it rather well. By Ian Dunt They really do hate him. Personally, I’ve always had a lot of time for disrespect and abuse as a sporting pursuit. But the anger directed at Nick Clegg did not have… Read more »