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Benjamin Netanyahu has tried to turn a corner with the treatement of the Rachel Corrie, which is named after an activist who was killed by an Israeli bulldozer
No bloodshed, but Israel vows to deport activists

By staff Israel is preparing to deport the 11 campaigners and eight crew members of the Rachel Corrie aid ship after it unsuccessfully tried to break the blockade of the Gaza Strip. The arrival of the ship saw activists detained but no repeat of the bloodshed which triggered a wave of international condemnation last… Read more »

Enter No10: The two leaders played to their traditional vote today
Trouble ahead: Clegg and Cameron prepare the ground for cuts

By staff David Cameron and Nick Clegg issued two markedly different warnings about the “painful” spending cuts ahead, just weeks before the emergency Budget. The prime minister and deputy prime minister offered a message which was factually identical but politically a mile apart, with Mr Cameron sounding a tough message on the cuts to… Read more »