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Clegg at a campaign event during the election. The Lib Dem leader could soon be given a deputy PMQs slot.
Rumours abound about Clegg’s ‘deputy PMQs’

By staff Rumours are flying around Westminster about the arrangements for a deputy prime minister’s question time, modelled on Wednesday’s PMQs. Some reports suggest the event, which would be modelled on PMQs, would take place every Thursday, although other sources suggest it would be a monthly fixture. John Prescott had his own 15-minute DPMQs… Read more »

John McDonnell could step aside for Diane Abbott
McDonnell contemplates standing aside for Abbott

By staff John McDonnell is willing to step aside so that Diane Abbott can secure more nominations in the Labour leadership contest. The left-wing MP was responding to a comment piece in the Guardian by Jackie Ashley which suggested he should abandon his leadership hopes so more women could be on the ballot. In… Read more »