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*Comment & Analysis
Susan Kramer, Lib Dem MP for Richmond Park is facing a tough challnge
Interview: Susan Kramer spoke to Susan Kramer, engaged in a tough fight for the Richmond Park seat. By Marina Kim The Liberal Democrats’ office in Richmond Park is extremely busy. As their candidate Susan Kramer is finishing off some paperwork, I look around. There are heaps of leaflets on the floor and on the tables. I also… Read more »

The scene after the 7/7 bombing
7/7 bus driver backs Labour

By staff George Psaradakis, the driver of the No. 30 bus which exploded in Tavistock Square during the 7/7 attacks, helped present a Labour campaign event today. The driver introduced Tessa Jowell, Labour’s London minister, and Alistair Darling, who attacked the Tory perception of London as a ‘broken society’. “Not one person I’ve met… Read more »