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Cameron: Prime minister's questions is a bear pit
Cameron: I failed on PMQs

By Ian Dunt The nature of PMQs crippled David Cameron’s attempts to get rid of the ‘Punch and Judy’ of British politics, he has admitted. The Tory leader told the Today programme that the way PMQs was structured prompted an conflict-led approach to politics. “I would say we’ve tried to politics in a different way,”… Read more »

Polls show Tories benefit from national citizen service idea
The Polls: Tories gain from ‘national citizen service’

By staff The day after he floated the idea of national citizen service for young people, David Cameron’s Conservatives have re-established a winning lead in the opinion polls. The Yougov daily tracker in The Sun puts the Tories back to 40%, up three points, and nine points ahead of Labour, who drop one to… Read more »