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Mr Osborne is considered a weak link by Labour strategists
Osborne’s credibility gap?

By Ian Dunt Labour’s entire business team came out today to focus fire on the shadow chancellor, with Peter Mandelson, business secretary, Liam Byrne, chief secretary to the Treasury and Alistair Darling attacking the Tory’s economic policies. Labour pokes at the Tories’ £22 bill gap But the press conference failed to dent Conservative glee at… Read more »

*Comment & Analysis
The anniversary of a protest death

A year on since the death of Ian Tomlinson: there have been reforms, but his family still want justice. By Aled Thomas A year ago today a 47-year-old newspaper vendor from east London was walking home through the city when he was struck on the legs and then pushed to the ground by a baton-wielding… Read more »