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Victory in 1982 Falklands war means the islands remain British
Argentina takes Falklands to UN

By staff United Nations secretary-general Ban Ki-moon will meet with Argentina’s foreign minister as opposition to Britain’s ongoing sovereignty over the Falkland Islands rises. It follows a summit of Latin American leaders who roundly condemned Britain’s control over the islands known by all those in the region as ‘Las Malvinas’. Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez… Read more »

Peter Kilfoyle quitting parliament
Exiting Kilfoyle ‘prefers outback to politics’

By staff Peter Kilfoyle, one of Labour’s most colourful backbenchers, has confirmed his plans to stand down at the general election. The Liverpool Walton MP is reportedly stepping down for health reasons. But told the Liverpool Daily Post newspaper his new focus was on tracking down a distant cousin, Tom Kilfoyle, who was last… Read more »