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Cable: Political bun fight reveals failure
Cable: Labour and the Tories are both right

By Ian Dunt Both Labour and the Conservatives are right to accuse each other of being contradictory on the economy, Vince Cable said today. The Liberal Democrat Treasury spokesman’s comments came during a day of accusation and counter-accusation between the two main parties. David Cameron began the day facing claims of dithering after he said… Read more »

Terry Pratchett wants assisted dying tribunals
Pratchett wants right-to-die tribunals

By staff Tribunals should be set up to help give terminally ill people permission to die, author Terry Pratchett will demand later. The Discworld author and Alzheimer’s sufferer will use the Richard Dimbleby Lecture at the Royal College of Physicians tonight to make the case for legal permission to die. It comes as a… Read more »