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Bank of England wants quick action on structural deficit
King seeks deficit action in spring Budget

By Alex Stevenson Bank of England governor Mervyn King has placed further pressure on the government to cut the public deficit, warning No 11 that “markets can be unforgiving”. Mr King acknowledged in his speech to the University of Exeter that a “perfectly sensible debate” existed about the timing of when to reduce Britain’s structural… Read more »

MP thinks time is ripe for Russian reengagement
MP plots new Russian rapprochement

By Alex Stevenson The new chairman of parliament’s all-party group on Russia has pledged to re-engage “positively” with Moscow. Liberal Democrat MP Mike Hancock, recently elected chair of the Russia group, has welcomed William Hague’s unusual trip to Moscow to meet president Dmitry Medvedev’s foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov. Diplomatic engagement between London and Moscow has… Read more »