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*Comment & Analysis
Scottish parliament set for independence bill in new year
Analysis: SNP forced to play long game

The SNP is losing the independence bill battle. It might be losing the independence war, too. By Alex Stevenson Today is St Andrew’s Day, a fortuitous moment for the Scottish National party (SNP) to launch its first serious bid for a referendum. As the party’s leaders have watched it approach, however, the prospects for the… Read more »

*Comment & Analysis
Alan Sugar told peers "never, ever underestimate me"
Sketch: Maiden Sugar prefers punch to Judy

By Alex Stevenson Any sceptics that Alan Sugar was something of an interloper in the world of Westminster will have had their doubts blown away by his pugnacious maiden speech in the Lords. Every politician knows the folly of proclaiming their purity in the stark terms employed by Baron Sugar of Clapton today. “It is… Read more »