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The government's previous attempt to satisfy the ECHR planned for up to 12 year's retention
Govt U-turns on DNA database plans

By Ian Dunt The government backed down on previous announcements concerning the DNA database today, by promising not to hold innocent people’s DNA for longer than six years. The announcement constitutes a U-turn on previous declarations, which planned for a maximum 12 year retention period. The retention of juveniles’ DNA is also set to undergo… Read more »

Graduates face tough job market
Jobless count up again

By staff Unemployment fell just short of 2.5 million in the three months to September. The figures were pushed upwards by this year’s university graduates, no longer in full-time education appearing on the figures. According to the Office for National Statistics unemployment rose by 30,000 in the three months to September to 2.46 million…. Read more »