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The furore was prompted by an injunction on the Guardian
Guardian claims victory after Trafigura Twitter frenzy

By Ian Dunt and Alex Stevenson The Guardian has claimed a “great victory for free speech” after an attempt to gag it reporting on a parliamentary question was abandoned. Legal firm Carter Ruck, which had obtained an injunction barring the Guardian from reporting proceedings on behalf of energy and mining firm Trafigura, abandoned its claim… Read more »

MoD says it will not compromise on quality
Helicopter shortages reflect ‘creaking’ defence system

By staff A lack of spare parts has contributed to the helicopter shortages suffered by Britain’s armed forces, a committee of MPs has said. The public accounts committee said an over-reliance on the ‘urgent operational requirements’ process used to buy new or upgraded capabilities had sometimes led to “inadequate initial support or a time-limited… Read more »