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Darling announced the pay rise today
Darling freezes senior public sector pay

By staff Alistair Darling has called for a freeze on the pay of senior public servants, including GPs and judges. Senior NHS managers will also have their pay frozen, while around 700,000 middle-ranking public sector workers, such as doctors, dentists and prison officers, will receive a pay rise of between zero and one per… Read more »

Gordon Brown flew to Northern Ireland today for urgent talks at Stormont with the power-sharing government.
Brown in Ireland as stalemate threatens devolution

By Liz Stephens Gordon Brown flew to Northern Ireland today for urgent talks at Stormont with the power-sharing government. Tensions have been rising for weeks over plans to devolve control over the police and courts back into local hands. Sinn Fein have insisted that gaining control of local justice is the only way to bring… Read more »